A day in the life of an Advocate

The work hours for an Advocate can be very hectic says Mr. Shanmuga Sundarm. A lawyer has no set work hours or plan for the day. The court or police station may summon you at any time. You have to be ready round the clock. You will need to work even after court hours end. You will also have to tell your clients what to speak and how to behave. A lawyer needs to be smart and quick witted and needs to handle any situation that may arise at the court. He also adds that parents cannot force children into the field. Even if the parents are great advocates, it is not possible for their kids to be good in the field unless they have a natural interest and talent for the field. Mr. Shanmuga Sundaram handles mostly civil cases. His interest to become an advocate came from accompanying his father who was a police officer in court. He claims that the society around him is his inspiration. He constantly observes his family and the community around him and learns how the society works and what is right and wrong. He also strongly advices to properly study and research before getting involved in any case or problem. An advocate has to learn from the society, make his/her own opinions and then take action to improve societal problems. He also says that every student should have this habit of studying the society around him/her and learning from it. I thank Mr.Shanmuga Sundaram for taking his time to talk to me
– Interview by
M.S. Alwin, VIII A1